15 May, 2024

Best 100+ Kaws Wallpaper || Kaws Wallpapers || Kaws Wallpaper iPhone

Hello friends, welcome to our website Mixing Images. My name is Vikas Yadav. Friends, today's post is going to be very special. In today's post, we are going to talk about - Kaws Wallpaper, Kaws Wallpapers, Kaws Wallpaper Black, Kaws Wallpaper Pink, Kaws Wallpaper 4K, Kaws Wallpaper iPhone. So let's start today's post.

Kaws Wallpaper

Kaws Wallpaper

3D Kaws Wallpaper

Black And White Kaws Wallpaper

Black Kaws Wallpaper iPhone

iPhone Kaws Wallpaper Black

iPhone Kaws Wallpaper

iPhone Lockscreen Kaws Wallpaper

Kaws Wallpaper 3D

Kaws Wallpaper 4K iPhone

Kaws Wallpaper 4K

Kaws Wallpaper Black And White

Kaws Wallpaper Black

Kaws Wallpaper Blue

Kaws Wallpaper iPhone

Kaws Wallpaper Phone

Kaws Wallpaper Pink

Kaws Wallpaper Red

Kaws Wallpaper White

Kaws Wallpaper

Story Of The Arrogant Rat

Kaws the rat was very smart. He lived in a forest. He had built a small house of his own. There was a house near the forest in which a small child lived.

That kid had long boots. But he had become small. That boy threw it.

Kaws Mouse: Hey, these shoes are very nice, I can sleep comfortably in them.

Kaws the mouse drags a shoe under his house. He did not dare to bring the other shoe. Therefore, he cleans it and makes a nice bed in it.

Decorate it with flowers. Kaws was pleased.

Other animals in the forest used to come to see him. When the animals saw him, Kaws the mouse would get angry and sit on his shoe.

One day the mischievous pigeon came to meet Kaws.

Naughty Pigeon: Brother Kaws has decorated the house beautifully, and this shoe has added a lot of charm to it.

Kaws Mouse: Listen, brother, don't look at it, I have decorated it with great difficulty. Got noticed by people like you. It will get spoiled.

Naughty Pigeon: Brother, I came to congratulate you but it seems that your pride is at its peak.

Kaws Mouse: I don't need anyone's congratulations. I know you all are jealous of me because you bear the cold outside and I get into these shoes and sleep comfortably.

The naughty pigeon flies back without saying anything. Now Kaws the mouse used to roam around all day eating food and at night would come and sleep in his shoes.

Gradually he stopped talking to all the animals in the forest. Now he had no friends. Slowly time started passing.

One day it started raining heavily in the forest at night. Unaware of all this, Kaws the mouse was sleeping comfortably in his shoe. He did not notice the weather outside.

The rainwater started increasing. There was a hole in the sole of the shoe. Due to this water started filling in the shoes and within some time a lot of water filled the shoes. Just then Kaws the mouse woke up but it was too late.

The water kept increasing. He felt that he would die now. Kaws the mouse started shouting loudly but no one heard him over the sound of the rain.

Kaws the rat could clearly see his death. He started jumping vigorously. While jumping, he was trying to get out of the shoe. But the shoe was so long that he was not able to get out.

Far away, a mischievous pigeon was sitting in a nest with his children.

Naughty Pigeon: Children, it sounds like someone is shouting. Someone is in trouble.

He came out and saw that the sound was coming from that shoe. He immediately understood that Kaws was trapped in the rat shoe.

The mischievous pigeon somehow flew and reached there without any delay. He sat on the shoes. He saw Kaws the rat drowning.

Kaws Mouse: Brother Pigeon, save me or I will die.

Naughty Pigeon: Why, you didn't need anything except this shoe.

Kaws Rat: Brother, please save me, I was arrogant.

Hearing this, the mischievous pigeon started pulling it with its beak. But the weight of Kaws rat was too much and the naughty pigeon was not able to lift its weight.

Naughty Pigeon: Brother, wait, I will call the other animals and bring them.

The mischievous pigeon goes to the forest but all the animals refuse to help Kaws the mouse.

Just then he meets a black crow on the way. He comes with him.

Together, they take one leg of the Kaws rat in their beaks fly away, and keep it in the house built above.

Kaws the Mouse regrets his actions very much.

The next day he pulls the shoe and turns it upside down. Its water gets drained from it. After that, he drags that shoe and throws it in the river.

Seeing this, the mischievous pigeon and the black crow are very happy.

Then Kaws the mouse goes to all the animals and apologizes to them all.

Final Word

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