31 January, 2025

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Hello friends, welcome to our website Mixing Images. My name is Vikas Yadav. Friends, today's post is going to be very special. In today's post, we are going to talk about - Good Morning Pictures, Good Morning Pictures For Whatsapp, Good Morning Pictures HD, Good Morning Images, Good Morning Pictures Flower, Beautiful Good Morning Pictures, Flower Good Morning Pictures, Good Morning Pictures Download, Good Morning Pictures Free, Download Good Morning Pictures, Good Morning Story, Free Good Morning Pictures. So let's start today's post.

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Good Morning Story - Stone Of The Way

The king of a kingdom was running his kingdom very smoothly! He used to hold court once a week to solve the problems of his subjects. And used to solve the problems of his citizens immediately or as soon as possible.

But even after all the efforts of the king, the problems of the citizens did not take the name of decreasing. And with the passage of time, the common problems of the citizens were also increasing day by day.

One night the king made a plan to test his subjects in disguise without informing anyone. And in the morning, disguised as a monk, reached the middle of the city! And after some thought, the king placed a huge stone in the middle of the road. And then he kept quiet near the tree and started watching what happens next.

Slowly the morning started, and the citizens started coming and going! Seeing the stone, people started coming out from the side of the stone! But as the crowd grew, people started having trouble coming and going, and people started talking slowly.

Don't know who left the foolish stone on the way, some say that everyone is getting upset, but no one is like that, go to the king and complain, that the king should arrange to remove the stone! Some even started giving streets to the king that the king is the only one here. He doesn't even know how upset the people are in his state. How bad are the roads?

Everyone was cursing each other for some reason or the other! But then a farmer was carrying a basket of fruits on his head! The farmer's eyes also fall on the stone! The farmer takes off the basket from his head and keeps it on the side. And starts trying to remove the stone! But because the stone is very big, the stone does not move from the farmer.

Everyone starts looking at the farmer, and starts laughing at the farmer! That so many people are coming out from the side, I don't know what is the problem with this! Some say, the big one who removes the stone, is trying like this! As if he would remove the stone! Some people say that brother, this is our work a little! This work belongs to the king, but what to do, the king only cares about the happiness and sorrow of the people.

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But the farmer did not pay attention to anyone's words, and he continued in his work, and in the end, after continuous efforts, the stone slowly started to move, finally, the farmer removed the stone from the road after some hard work!

As soon as the farmer reaches his basket after removing the stone! So he sees that a bundle is kept in his basket. He looks here and there! But he doesn't understand anything, and finally, he opens the bundle and sees it! So one wonders because that bag was completely full of gold shards! And there was also a letter in it, in which it was written that I am the king, and I had placed this stone on the way. Because I wanted to see, who thinks this is a problem! Who else wants to remove this trouble stone?

Now people start saying that if we had known that the king has kept this stone on the way to take the test! Then we would remove it. What is the big deal to remove the stone?

Exactly in the same way people who are unhappy in their life! Those people do not want to remove the stone of their sorrow. By blaming someone or the other, they are carrying the stone of sorrow! Every day weeping is being done citing some sorrow or the other.

Man has become so selfish! Leave aside the matter for others, he is not ready to work selflessly even for his own convenience.

Simply put, if we want to solve any problem in our life, we can do it very easily! Even if someone else has created that problem! If you want to get rid of it, try to fix the problem instead of blaming it! Try to do it yourself, instead of putting it on someone else.

Good Morning Story - Problems Have Many Solutions

One child was very mischievous and very talkative; Every time there was a new question on his tongue.

One night the child's father was busy with his office work, But the child would come to the father with some questions or other; The father was very upset by this act of the child. How long does it take to answer the child's questions?

At last, the father comes up with a trick; Why not give such a task to the child that he should be busy for some time by engaging in it; And let me finish my work.

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This time as soon as the baby comes; The father picked up the old book kept nearby, tore the page containing the map of the world, and divided it into several pieces; And while giving it to the child, he said that the map of the world is made on these pieces of paper; Which I have done in many pieces; And now you have to set the map of this world back properly; When it's Ready back, show me.

The child leaves with pieces of paper; Here the father breathes the chain so that now the child will not bother him for some time.

But on the contrary, the father is surprised to see this; that the child comes back after adding the map in just 2 or 3 minutes; And what's even more surprising is that the map was actually connected exactly right; There was no shortage in that.

The father looks at the child with a puzzled look; And asks how did you connect so many pieces of the map so quickly.

The child speaks with great innocence that this task was very easy; The paper you tore me; On one side was a map of the world and on the other a cartoon; I added the cartoon back then the map was added automatically.

The father was just looking at the child with his gaze.

What lesson is learned from the story - We look at any problem only from the point of view of the problem. Never make proper efforts to solve it. If we divert our attention from the problem to its solution and explore the aspects of the solution, then we will see that many solutions to the problem will be in front of us.

Final Word

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