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College Day Love Story

I was very happy after passing Nitish 12th because now I was about to go to college. I could do whatever I want which is completely different from school life. I was always attracted to the college life shown in the movies, so I was very excited about going to college and wanted to live college life.

The first day of college was very simple, filling out the form and then looking around the college. Our college was big, this was the reason why many students had come to study from far and wide. A few days after filling out the form, I went to college to see if my name is on the list or not, I saw that my name is on the list.

I am very happy that my admission has been confirmed, now I have to go to college from July 1. My first day of class was normal, I met many new students, and I talked to some people. In this way gradually some friends were made. Many seniors took the introduction of all the juniors but thankfully there was no ragging.

In the chemistry practical lab, I caught sight of a girl whom I didn't notice that much in class before. But that day she was standing in front of me which was very beautiful in appearance. She was doing Practical with a friend in the practical lab. Here I was also doing my Practical with my friends.

But in between, I used to see him only after a few days did I come to know that his name was Khushbu Chauhan. The name Khushboo suited her because of her bloated face, long black silky hair, rosy lips, and black pouty eyes, and her dressing sense was amazing.

Khushboo looked like an angel in a white and pink dress, every day my nigga used to be more towards her in class. Be it in class or outside or in the canteen, I just kept looking for him. But I could see Khushboo all my life in the practical lab, Khushboo and I could often see each other only in chemistry, botany, and zoology practicals.

I could not stop myself to talk to Khushboo. But I did not even dare to talk to her, because I was from a normal-looking middle-class family, the same fragrance was from a beautiful and rich family. But still, I used to watch him hide and seek, everything was going well.

It continued like this for about a month but suddenly Khushboo stopped coming to college. I started getting very restless, I kept wondering what must have happened, why the fragrance is not coming, I tried to know from some of the girls in the class but nothing was known about the Khushboo.

Time just passed like this, I keep looking at the front bench with the hope that the smell will come today. But even after 1 month, the smell did not come, now my hope is over that it will come again. But still, I used to see where Khushboo used to sit in the class.

Then my eyes fell on a girl sitting there who was not as beautiful as Khushboo but looked good. Her face was somewhat similar to that of a fragrance, I started looking for fragrance in that girl, her name was Jyoti. In the beginning, I did not pay much attention, but seeing him every day - I liked seeing him.

Because of seeing Jyoti like this every day, I started getting attracted to her. Jyoti was normal in appearance but her smile was very sweet, when she laughed, she seemed more lovely to me.

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Jyoti and I used to face-to-face most often in the practical lab, canteen, parking lot, and on the terrace of the college. She often took 4 to 5 friends with her so it was difficult to talk to her privately. I never even tried to talk to him.

Sometimes during the rainy season professors did not come, so my friends and I used to sing songs in class. Sometimes he used to play romantic songs on his mobile. Romantic songs in class and light rain outside and its cool breeze touched us and felt a different love which used to be amazing.

Because we used to sing songs, Jyoti's eyes also started reading me and looked at me with a slow smile. Similarly, whenever we got a chance, I used to enjoy the moments of rain by drowning in the feeling of love.

Whether it is deliberately getting wet in the slow rain or sitting in class watching the raindrops while listening to the song or keeping the heat on the desk and watching the light secretly. Truly that moment is very loving, wonderful and one of the most memorable college moments of my life.

Because the real fun of love often comes more in the early days. When we slowly start feeling the sweet feeling of love and romantic love songs on it, we start getting lost in the beautiful feeling of love. In this way again my college journey started passing with beautiful moments.

One day it was raining in the morning and I was getting late for class that day. I parked my bike and started walking toward class wearing a raincoat. But I did not know that Jyoti was also in a hurry that day, I was coming from the parking side behind the college and Jyoti was coming from the main gate. The two used to meet in a street which was the way to go to zoology class.

She too was in a hurry and I too had a slight collision between the two of us. The books he had in his hand fell, first we both said sorry to each other, then I picked up his books for him. Then we both went to class together, as soon as we both entered the class all my friends were surprised.

Among them, a friend Pranjal even killed the city, it is good that the teachers did not come at that time. The moment was just like in the movies, but whatever happened was very good. Because of this, a connection started to form between us. With the passage of time, Jyoti started seeing me more and more.

She started talking about me with her friends, earlier only I used to see, but now she started seeing me secretly. Wherever I went, she along with her friends used to come to see me. Our whole year passed like this with beautiful moments of love looking at each other. Soon the annual day / annual festival of our college also arrived.

I did not participate in anyone, but Jyoti liked to dance, so she participated. Jyoti danced very well that day, I kept watching and watching Jyoti was looking very good that day. After that wonderful dance, Jyoti started liking me even more.

After his dance was over, I clapped loudly and also played the city. Jyoti's friends saw this action of mine and went and told to Jyoti. To be honest, I just wanted Jyoti to know, as soon as I came to know that I did this, she started looking at me with a smile and I smiled too.

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On seeing the final exam of the college also came and we all also started preparing for the exam. After every paper, Jyoti used to stay for a while near the canteen and talk with her friends. I too used to stop there on the pretext of drinking tea with my friends, just to see Jyoti.

On the day of the final paper, both Jyoti and I talked for hours with our friends. She would look at me with a sly look and I told her, my friends also, to go and talk. But it did not feel right to talk to Jyoti among so many friends and I thought, leave it, I will definitely talk next year and I will also talk about my heart.

After thinking so much I came home but all summer I kept thinking about Jyoti and trying to find Jyoti on social media but she could not be found. Because he had not put his picture in the profile picture or had any complete information, I thought now it will be talked about only after the college opens.

But before that in May, I had to get the PMT exam which is known today as NEET. I met Jyoti by chance that day, she had also come for the PMT exam and she was all alone. That day, for the first time, I got a chance to talk to Jyoti very well.

On that day we talked only related to college and studies, but a very good thing happened and on that day our friendship started for the first time. That day I talked to Jyoti a lot and said goodbye with the promise that we will meet in college. Soon the summer vacations were over and the first day of college came.

But Jyoti did not come to college that too for 7 days, I started getting scared that Jyoti might also leave me like a fragrance. But on the 8th day, I saw Jyoti, then my life came to life, and then I talked to Jyoti that day. Jyoti also had a smile on her face which attracted me to her from the beginning.

This is how our friendship started between us in the second year. Because inside we both liked each other, there was no problem in friendship. Perhaps Jyoti too must have realized in the last summer vacations that these beautiful college moments will not last forever.

These moments will be lost after a few years and will never come back again. Jyoti also often used to talk excitedly and used to be happy. Gradually, I also became friends with Jyoti's friends who were from my own branch. This year I got that chance to spend the beautiful college moments with Jyoti which I wanted last year.

The second year we both enjoyed it a lot, we celebrated each other's birthday very well. Went to many places together, studied together, and did practicals together which used to be a lot of fun. After living together as a friend for 6 months, I felt that now I should tell my heart.

Because now both of us had known and understood each other very well. So one day I called Jyoti alone and told all the things in my heart and proposed to her. Jyoti first looked here and there and said yes while blushing.

Then I went close to Jyoti as a boyfriend for the first time and took both her hands in my hands. But I saw that his heart was beating fast. That day it seemed as if she was just waiting to hear this from me, she did not make many tantrums or thought anything.

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Because from the first year we used to like each other but could never speak. But when there was a friendship between us, love also started to be felt, and it all happened very slowly. That's why he also got time to understand that it is not just attraction but love.

This is how our beautiful love story came to an end and on that college day, Jyoti filled my life with more beautiful moments which are never to be forgotten.

What are those moments of college, and what is the importance of college days in life, only those who have lived college life can understand it. We often do not consider every single moment of college as more important during college days and consider that moment as normal days.

But we come to know the value of every single moment of that college after many years. And there are some moments that give tears of happiness and the heart wants to live that moment again. Again, sitting in class with the same friends loves to talk a lot and have fun, I love to refresh old memories.

Thinking of the music of that day in that moment of college brings a strange joy which is a never ending happiness.

Often college life was such that one gets full opportunity to live as per his wish. In such a situation, it is natural for every youth to have a feeling of love at this age. For many young people, love brings a very beautiful feeling and for many young people, only deception is found in love.

But even from this, you get to learn a lot in life, you get a chance to understand the purpose of the people. Good and bad people have an understanding of how people are something and show themselves as something. As far as today's love is concerned, it has been limited to films only.

In today's time, it is very difficult to find true love, many people will come into your life. When you will feel that the boy or girl really loves you but in the end, you will know that he was just taking advantage of you or was passing the time.

Therefore, before choosing your love partner, you must know and understand that boy or girl well whether they are right for you or not. Love is blind, love is not done consciously, love just happens, and love does not see religion.

Don't read all these nonsense movie dialogues or else falling in love with the wrong person can ruin your life too. The most important thing is that you should always love and marry the boy or girl of your religion. This is where it will be good for you and your family as well.

Final Word

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