15 January, 2025

Best 25+ Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp || Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp || Good Afternoon Quotes || Good Afternoon Poetry

Hello friends, you are very welcome to Mixing Images. I am your dear friend Vikas Yadav. Friends, in today's post, we are going to talk about Good Afternoon Images. Friends, in today's post, I am going to post you some lovely and beautiful images of Good Afternoon, which you will be very happy after seeing. So let's start again.

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

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Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp
Good Afternoon Images For Whatsapp

Good Afternoon Quotes & Poetry

We do not know the language of love strangers,
Don't make these things with your eyes.

I am a sweetheart, now I am in love
Don't teach us lessons like this.

Do not stop us in the way like this,
Do not torture us by holding the wrist.

The stones are the way of the weather glass,
Do not be taken to this city of dreams.

If we are yours then you will be
Do not show love to everyone.

Do not praise us in everything,
Do not sing ghazals like this in the Mahfilon.

What happens with yours and mine
Do not smile so faintly.

Heard you all ask my name,
It is requested, please do not tell anyone.

We are afraid of being maligned,
But do not tell us anonymously.


No house should be just walls,
Let's find a new city.

The sand slips under the feet,
Somebody is taking the exam here

Flowers smile even with thorns,
Someone should teach me this skill.

People are good yet keep the distance,
A poison can also be sweet.

The birds touch themselves,
Nobody gives them to anyone.

Asma has become so empty,
Looks like someone has fallen.

To write about his life, like this,
Everyone read pages without turning.

How long will this road keep calling me,
Why doesn't a journey end


Do not forget the enemy too
We did not forget the age of our elders.

Keep your eyes rainy,
Some people have not forgotten the fire.

This thing became a pen in its own hands,
We did not forget to take a picture of you.

I have forgotten laughter when I am bored,
You still haven't forgotten to hurt my heart.


Hear that everything is got by blessing,
One day I will see you by demand from God.

When you are in front, there is a rain of Kaif,
Gone are the days when it used to rain.

Hey heart, you look after them and suffer like this,
Laughter comes to those who are seated with anger.

The world is also found, the world is also found,
Why don't you get what you asked for from God?


What kind of rain do you ask?
Those who fall from my eyes are your gifts.

How will my eyes dry now,
Through this river, they come and go in the heart.

No words, no new or no new, no new
May you forget forgotten memories, sing the same songs old.

Now, where are your differences
They are so close, but they show distance.

Now you do not remember me, this is not the case,
I was your mirror sometimes, there are many things to say.

Not paying attention to my trick-a-love,
Kabil-e-Gaur is my love for love.

Like this, love is a matter of protecting two hearts,
But there is a stir, the shamsheers go on love.

This fire starts in the chest, no smoke also rises,
Many people have been burning on the surface of love.

Ishq shrugged off the palaces of many emperors,
But many ceilings remain on the timber-e-love.

The restrictions are centuries old but
These chains have been breaking down on love.

In this way, how many people have become useless,
But many are glowing on Ghalib-Meere love.

This is the way, love flies all the way,
But thirsty live on so much sweet love.


I have remembered that season of your love,
I remember to smile and bow your eyes,

Which used to be a shade of black and white,
Have remembered the removal of those slaves,

For teasing you, which was often lukewarm,
That Nagma Aashikana is remembered again today,

My breath was entangled in the pace of your steps,
I have missed your turn and go,

To fight, quarrel and make me angry,
He remembered remembering you,

There is no road nor destination is there too Avara
I remember the whereabouts of my heart in your heart

Whose many nights I was wrapped up in every feeling,
Today, your last letter is lit on the palm.


I wish this moment had passed like this,
You would have been in front and stayed in time….

We used to think of whom to make ourselves
We see only you in every face….

Infidelity from the whole world,
I will tell you the lesson of the Wafa….

People used to say that you have become crazy.
Still smiles in your memories all the time….

What am I forced to do in your love
Hey Hasrat ...
Now every star of dreams seems broken to me….


This sequence of love does not begin,
This disease does not affect our hearts.

I want to forget a moment,
But think they are no different.

Never sleep in the arms of death,
Haram gar may not have done it.

Life would have ended happily, too.
If the deception was not found on the name of the Wafa.

He would shed my two horns on the grave,
I swear we don't get wet again.

There must have been some other compulsions too,
On the other hand, no Sanam is unfaithful.

Why do they forget us like this, Jaffer,
Bad luck, this fate is not mine.


What we did is still in love,
There is still a desire for the shadow of your slaves.

The night cuts even today in your thoughts,
My condition is like a crazy one even today.

No one else gets up
There is still a slight shame in the unscrupulous eyes.

If you want to give up once again,
Break the heart, you are allowed to go even today.


Everyone was suffering in life,
We kept losing the love we had got.

My heart is fragile among haters,
The promises of breaking all kept going.

My growing restlessness here,
You kept on dreaming in the night.

Returned life again there,
Wept with that stomach hunger.

Intoxication in the eyes is love,
Your love continued in love.

Waiting for your wishes
Even after forgetting, we continued to meet today.

We have also placed stones in our hearts,
Keep listening to the story of pain.


From these lips to delicate lips
Complaints from non-residents are not right,
Disgrace these people
Their mischief is not good.

Playful ye teredo naan me
Why make a heart patient,
You have many dreams in my heart
You're not so beautiful

In every situation of dying
You swear,
Hey listeners love
You are not so respectful

Every heart gets medicine
And the heart gets blessings,
Those who keep the heart imprisoned
The politics of desire is not right.


Don't find a smile on every single face,
Do not find the result of anyone's destiny.

Who have drowned in a swamp of dirt,
Let it be friends, do not seek faith in him.

Who is trapped in the confinement of imprisonment,
Do not seek armament buried in his heart.

What was alien today is good,
Now do not find those old charges in it.

Man is just man understand this much
Do not seek your God in everyone.

This person is the treasure of the Aibon "Egypt",
Don't seek someone from his heart, Rahman.


The one we settled in our heart started living away from us,
Those whom I believed to be my friends started telling us.

Those who became sympathizers started giving our pain to us,
When there was a fire in my house, the leaves also started giving air.

From whom we started telling us that unfaithfulness,
We started giving the ointment to whom we were given the wounds.

Used to escape from thorns but flowers also started to hurt,
When there was a fire in my house, the leaves also started giving air.

Whose picture we started to change the face now,
Those who used to live in my heart now started living in palaces.


As many as I had dreamed,
The shattered bones were broken.

Which we thought was the culinary heart,
The deeds of those people were black.

Trees will be fruits if they are young,
Thinking this is what they were brought up with.

Everybody ate a lot of food,
The mother's plate had some morsels.

Today, they burned all the letters,
In which memories were handled by you.

Could not hear your heart,
There were locks of compulsion on the face.


Sometimes I will say friendship, sometimes I will say stupid,
Whatever you get will be called life.

Tera dekhna hai magic is your secret scent
Those who shine like you will be called lights.

Traveling on a new route is a condition of travel or else
Those who walk with you will call you strangers.

It is a sad evening Rashid, no one is alive today
The moon that brings her will be called moonlight.


Whatever you say is acceptable, what should I dispute
Ashamed, what should I do, Sir-e-Bazaar?

I know that love is open sky,
Do not miss what I should do

I am breathing in this condition too,
Does not know what to do with a thousand

Then once he saw Rukh-e-Masoom,
What does Chashm-e-Gungar not open,

This is a wonderful morning, I am this Fazaa Shaur,
They are sleeping now, what should I do Bedar.


Why do people handle every turn?
If you are so afraid then why do you leave the house,

I am neither a firefly nor am I a star,
Why do the lights burn in my name,

I do not belong to sleep for years,
Why come dreaming on my terrace,

The turn is to take care of youth,
And why does everyone slip here


In the heart, fire puts roses on the lips,
Everybody has double numbers on their faces,

Will not be able to extinguish us as a lamp,
We keep much afters in our house,

Many people who are not even self-assured,
It is happy that you keep your book,

This is Macada, that is a mosque, that is fetish,
Anywhere the angels keep the account,

Will not be able to see the scene of our city,
People here have dreams in their eyes.


Even the charisma lost its eyesight,
That the people have not changed now when have people gone

Who will get the blessing of your infidelities,
This is the ritual, we have also gone.

But nobody knows us,
This and that we went together.

Now you have come to see what is here,
Since when has this city been a hero

The fallen was a heart but did not lose courage,
The arrest is the heart, but the courage is also gone now.

You are crying 'Shame-Tamanna' Faraz
In these intestines, the beloved lamp went to everyone.

Final Word 

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